Canan ve Hakan Feyyat tarafından 1992 yılında kurulan Novel Scala Basılı Yayın, yönetim, finans, yatırım ve uluslararası piyasalara odaklı listesiyle Türkiye kitap yayıncılığı sektöründe yeni bir hat açtı. Novel Scala Basılı Yayın bu hatta ilk adımı, Peter Lynch’in efsane kitabı “Borsa’da Tek Başına” ile attı ve bu adımına Edvin Lefevre’nin kaleme aldığı 95 yıllık borsa klasiği “Bir Borsa Spekülatörünün Anıları”nı ekleyerek, 30 yılı geride bırakan bu yolculukta önemli bir ivme kazandı. Yatırım klasiklerinin yanı sıra edebiyat, tarih, şiir, bilim ve ilk gençlik kitaplarıyla da alanını genişleten Novel Scala Basılı Yayın, sektördeki öncülüğünü, yeni binyıla girerken Türkiye’nin ilk internet kitapçılarından biri olan www.scalakitapci.com’u hayata geçirerek sürdürdü.

Türkiye’de, 2021 Yılı Platin Dergisi İş Kitapları Ödülleri’nde “Yılın Yayınevi” ödülüne layık görülen Novel Scala Basılı Yayın, 2022 yılında da, Birleşik Krallık merkezli, The Corporate LiveWire platformunun, iş dünyasına odaklı ödül organizasyonu Prestige Awards’un Jürisi tarafından da, Novel Scala Basılı Yayın’ı “Türkiye’de Yılın En İyi Kitap Yayıncısı” seçildi.

Üye sayısı 100 bini aşan Scala Kitap Kulübü’yle okuyucuylarıyla e-mail üzerinden yakın iletişim içinde olan Novel Scala Basılı Yayın, odaklandığı alanlarda akademik çalışmalara da ilgi gösteriyor. Bu amaçla, makale, kısa not, bilimsel yayın ve doktora tezlerini temel alan kitap yayınlarına da özel önem veren Novel Scala Basılı Yayın, “Scala Akademi”yi kurarak, Türkiye kitap yayıncılığı sektöründe bir önemli adım daha attı.

Scala Academy is an open-access, peer-reviewed platform that facilitates low-cost access to quality scientific research findings in the fields of education, business and management, expanding to all disciplines of social sciences, especially economics and finance. All original research articles published by Scala Academy Journal are made freely and permanently available online immediately after publication. 

Scala Academy primarily aims to publish highly cited and globally influential journals in collaboration with many of the world's most influential scientific and professional societies. We aim to support education and scientific studies with our publications focused on serving the needs of the academy and society in general.

Scala Academy is based on publishing highly cited academic works in collaboration with the world's most influential scientific communities. To this end, we closely follow the global developments in academic publishing and prioritize studies based on bringing new developments and ideas to the academic world with the contributions of experts.

Scala Academy researches and compiles the research programs and scholarship opportunities of many universities around the world and announces them to its readers and the academic world. Our publishing strategy aims to include not only the academic world but also all readers who are interested in and want to follow this world. Within the scope of these efforts, it supports the recognition of the academic world by publishing qualified research and compilations that will encourage and encourage them to academic production as well as their standard activities.

As part of the academic world, we share values with our community partners. With this understanding, we take ethical standards as a basis in our rigorous and scientifically based work. We approach all parties in the publication process with dignity and respect and manage all transactions and engagements within the scope of our publications with a fair approach.

As part of academia, we conduct our business according to rigorous, ethical standards, treating all parties involved in the publication process with dignity and respect, and managing all transactions and engagements with a sense of fair play. In this context, we place publishing high-quality journals at the centre of fulfilling our mission and reflecting our values in the services we provide to the academic world.

In addition to our journals, we also improve the quality of our social added value by organizing events such as panels, seminars and conferences that bring together the Scala Academy community and the entire academic world in general, creating an environment conducive to the germination of new ideas.

Scala Academy's data-driven editorial strategy has been carefully planned with clear strategic goals and implementation steps, as well as an academic approach and expertise. In this context, our editorial team works in a flexible and collaborative manner with academic units and article owners throughout the entire publishing process, supporting the academic publishing process with editorial expertise. Scala Academy's digital publishing experts, together with the editorial and academic teams, support improvement throughout the publication process with a modern presentation approach.

As articles progress through the process, authors receive regular and clear updates and have access to the Academic team whenever they need it. With our rapid publication model, articles are published and accessible online as soon as final production checks are completed. Each journal is communicated to the academic and general public through an effective promotion process focusing on five key areas: readership, dissemination, profile, submissions and citations.

Each issue of our journal is published in a process involving scientists as the final approval body. Scala Academy, which we adopt as a basic principle to publish each issue with high quality, also accepts among its duties to organize events such as meetings, seminars and conferences with widespread participation in order to expand the foundations of scientific publishing to cover many segments of society. As the Scala Academy community, we also improve the quality of our social added value through these activities that create favourable environments for the germination of new ideas.
